Acid Reflux

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Indigestion Symptoms After Eating Are Painful But Why Suffer When There Is A Solution

Indigestion symptoms happen to most people at some stage in their life but, more usually, as they get older.To start with, they may well be perplexed and confused at what is occuring. What is indigestion is often the very first query the uninitiated level at the doctor after diagnosing indigestion.Indigestion occurs when stomach acid irritates the stomach walls and causes irritation, stomach pain and aching in the chest. It's likely you could have some nausea, heartburn (acid reflux) and belching.Heartburn (acid reflux) is the usual suspect which is due to acid flowing back into the esophagus.

This is often due to overeating, eating on the go and sometimes a liking for Tex-Mex style foods with their aromatic and sometimes fiery spices. As always in most ailments, smoking is present along with alcohol if taken to excess.Your current way of living and general well-being are part and parcel of approaching your indigestion symptoms. It's a fact of life that the general hustle and bustle Indigestion

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